
2228 replies since 14th February 2008 • Last reply 14th February 2008

It's not dangerous as long as someone isn't really nasty about it.

If you look at mythology espeically celtic mythology it all seems taken from the same sort of ideas, it's just stories adults made up when children asked 'why are we here' etc. Apparently Mary Magdeline used to play a very important part in it all until a church (guess which) decided to change it and now only Mary Magdeline has a last name, and women aren't important in it even though a woman was needed for Jesus to be born when god could have magicked him here!

I used to believe in it I gave up on it but my brain half wants to believe it.

The only thing I don't agree with is the hypocrisy (espeically from one church who told AID victims not to use condoms despite an epidemic) and extremes it can be taken to. Not letting kid's read harry potter, even though the devil isn't even mentioned in it and it's all about love anyway.

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I had religion forced on me as a child and then half believed for a while, then delved into wicca for a while then nothing and now I don't believe in any god or religion.

I have tarot cards Happy

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Oh my gosh my mother did the same thing to me!

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I went to a C of E school, went to church very rarely never had anything forced on me fortunatly. There is a school in town that will only take students that have been to church and you have to have so many points! My friend only went to church to go to that school and now she believes in it all. Her boyfriend does too when hes a horrible person.

I had a friend who did free readings for me she was amazing I have another friend who is a medium. I think I'll get Brian Froud's fairy oracle cards.

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I don't believe the tarot cards or anything, but it's just fun Happy

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Even though I don't believe in god I like to think there is some universal force, like karma and fate

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I don't really believe in anything, but science- and sometimes not even then.

It's all thanks to Richard Dawkins. Dawkins for the belief in science, and my completely disability to get my head around molecular theories for the non belief.

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Yes I have read a few of his articles and seen a documentary of his, his God Delusion is next on my list. I do try to follow science, but I didn't study it in school, so a lot of it goes WHOOOSH.

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the thing is it doesnt answer the question of 'Why?'

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enough of this God talk! lol

I'm so hungry but there are no foods in the kitchen that are snack worthy- aargh!
I know it sounds stupid but I cried for a little bit- coz there's been nothing good to eat for snacks for the past week.

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Shivi, that's the only reason I ever cry.

Me wonders if Queenfairypants got the message I sent her last night with a recipe in.

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yeh she did she can't remember if she messaged Roma a thank you!

The worst is when you think 'oooh I'll have a boiled egg and toast' and then there's no bread!

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Oh my whole month has been snack free Happy So broke

You know what makes me cry? When I am frying myself an egg and I burst the yoke :*(

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I hate egg yolk but I adore the white so I'm totally with you on that one Opposites.

I always rest my happiness on food. Like if I'm in a bad mood I can go "ah well, i'll go home and have a peanut butter sandwich and everything'll be ok."

one day I phoned mum up and asked if we had any bread and she said "I'm going to pop the bread machine on in a bit, but you can buy some on the way home if you can't wait."
my 'in a bit' means 'in ten minutes'- so I thought I could just about wait the three hours it takes for the bread to do, since i won't be home for another two hours anyway., turns out her 'in a bit' means in four hours. I got home and broke down crying. Don't you just love PMS?

And queenfairypants you did not but i'm glad you got it and i hope it helps! Happy

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Are tattoos supposed to itch?

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