52 replies since 29th August 2010 • Last reply 29th August 2010

Hey Sheila, how are you feeling? Have you used any of the techniques people have mentioned. I don't know if you are a fan or alternative treatments, but what about accupuncture?

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Hi Becky. I'm sooooo tired. I had a MRI today. Which can only be described as being squashed into a tin can while you are bombarded with clunking and buzzing noises for an hour!
My GP is refering me for Physio again so I am asking for acupunture which is done there too. It's a good treatment for my condition. I'm using my TENS machine's a bit 'healer heal thyself'...LOL

Ps...I've been researching ;)

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Sheila: Thanks for the update honey, sorry to hear you are having to go through some awful stuff right now. Oh... that's good Happy I wish you all the luck in the world honey <3

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I read your snippets and loved it, also looked up your condition and found out more about it- i am so sorry for what you are going thru! It sounds awful Happy I am glad you have used Reiki also try the acupuncture and (i think it's called) bowl healing- it's when they use the tibetan bowls and kinda ring them near the injury and the vibration is supposed to heal...
you prolly are saying yeah yeah i know all this, I'm just trying to think of no traditional healing for you but by all means dont sway away from traditional! I truely believe that they can work together!!! I had a Reiki session before surgery for Endometriosis and it was amazing!!! Happy I'm sending you hugs and i will send you some reiki tonight!!! ((HUGS)))

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Thanks Melissa. I hope it didn't scare you too much reading about the condition. I'm a believer in alternative therapies too. Treating the soul is a good way to treat the body. The alternative therapies are the traditional ones that have been used for centuries so there has to be a use for them if they are still practiced today. I look at treatment in an holistic way and use the idea of if it can't harm it can help.
I'm in so much pain at the moment I'm willing to try anything. My GP has given me tramadol on top of the meds I'm taking. I'm back to physio on Friday and have to see a pain management specialist for assessment.
I may not get on line much. Thanks again for your support Happy

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*Update* Police rang me today to ask me about the 'incident' that caused my injury. Things are moving at last.

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Well I've seen a new physio and she knows about my condition so that's good news. She's refering me for hydrotherapy and is waiting for the MRI result before we do anything too drastic.
She asked me if I had any hobbies, I laughed. Then she asked if I had heard about a mirror box. Her face was a picture when I told her I was making one....LOL
The guy that smacked the other guy in the face has been arrested and charged for that offence, but the police didn't know about my case being linked to the incident till now.

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeah!! I'm soooo pleased that things are working in your favour about bloody time too!! *Fingers crossed* for the future Happy

Ooooh what's a mirror box? It sounds rather intreguing!!

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Hi Lolly. Mirror box therapy can be used for phantom limb pain, stroke patients and just about any neurological condition that has altered sensations in limbs.
It is a way of fooling the brain into thinking the affected limb is 'normal'.
Check out the link below Happy

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Well the physio is helping a little but it looks like the CRPS has spread to my other arm too. At least I know what it is so I can stop it becoming as damaged. The pain is bad and I'm exhausted. Sorry it's not good news guys.

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Physio is helping with getting back some of my movement in my left arm but my condition has deterorated so quickly. It has spread to my right arm and symptoms are appearing in my left foot.

My GP has given me morphine patches as well as the cocktail of drugs I am already taking. I'm exhausted all the time and can manage a couple of hours out of the house before I collapse.

I'm coming to terms with my new life but it's tough. I cannot sew as much as I used to so you might notice my projects are a little smaller or less time consuming ;D

My solicitor is still battling on my behalf. I had managed to work full time for 7 months, then I collapsed at work and I haven't been there for 8 weeks. There is no way I will be able to manage full time hours again.

My days are filled with hospital and doctor visits. My manager from work is coming to take me to the works christmas party next week. I'm looking forward to getting out of the house but a bit apprehensive. My work mates haven't seen me like this and I'm physically and mentally quite different from what I was. I'm much quieter and not far from a size zero because of the pain and meds.

Wish I could give you guys good news Happy

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Sheila, my heart goes out to you.You have such a great spirit and courage for what your going thu.Please keep us posted.I will be praying for you ,It hurts my heart to see any one suffer in any way.
you sound very strong, I hope your strength helps you every day.

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Honey-that's just pants.
I just found the thread about posting our blokes and you a lucky to have such a handsome guy.Off to find an good image of us to share too.
Thinking of you on your journey

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@PJ....It's the little things that keep going. At the moment that is being able to get out of bed and make a cup of tea. My crafting helps to keep my arms moving and my strength comes from knowing there are people who care and I'm not alone. Thank you for your kindness.

@Essex Debs....I know you have a nursing background like me so you understand the problems with chronic pain. Yep it's a journey. At this time I am sort of grieving for the loss of my old life at the same time as trying to find out what my new one is. My fella is helping me dress and wash myself. I have difficulty with lids on things too. Funny story....he had 'man flu' last week and was poorly. He couldn't undo a jar so I took it off him and managed to get the lid off....he must have been ill...Lol x

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