Do you celebrate May 1st?

We celebrate workers day on may 1st.And I was just wondering what you do on this day?

Here no one works on that day,and everyone gets together to barbecue and relax on that day.
In my town "Younger people" camp in the fields in old dens or woods.The fields are full with people.Mostly drunk people driving in old "pimped up" cars-thats the only reason why I hate this holiday.Its too many drunk people not thinking strait.

But other then that I just love it.You go out far away from the city and just forget about everything for 2days.
Every year we have a crew of people and we go to the same old den.
But this year its just 1O of us,and where going to a half done house with large back yard for 2-3 days.Its just barbecuing,laughing and relaxing.Plus I looove to sleep in a tent!Happy
I cant wait for Friday to come...

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19 replies since 28th April 2010 • Last reply 28th April 2010

I use to do the same(without the drinking part) long ago, I was part of a pagan/wiccan circle, we would have this field to ourselves where we could camp and cook out. It was really fun.

Beltane Celebration are always fun with friends and family Happy

Also May 1st is mine and my husbands anniversary of meeting each other and we been together for 7 years now.

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I celebrate May 1st (a.k.a Beltane or May Day) like Valentine's Day.

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On the first of May you are supposed to get up early and wash your face with the morning dew! This will make you beautiful!

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Hey all
in Canada/Toronto
we celebrate workers day too Happy
we still go to school
we still go to work
but we honor all those workers that die each die due to unsafe working conditions
we fly our flag at half mast
it's pretty solemn
but obviously not many people know about it.

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haha, two years ago i was one of those "drunk people not thinking strait"... and met my boyfriend Happy weird story... so we celebrate our anniversary first and then we will go with lots of friends walking through the woods (yes, some may drink some alcohol...) and do some barbecue... so, actually, we will do something similar like you Happy i can understand that you don´t like these stupid drunk people "walking" around and say rude things to you, but sadly some these people think they can´t have fun without drinking... have a nice weekend!!!

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Yay....Beltane.....jumping round a fire...lots of singing, dancing and story telling Happy

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Hola Sheila, What would be some kid friendly crafts and games for the kiddies?

So far I was thinking the girls can make some sugar cookies with sprinkles, take out some clay and make some faerie chairs and take out the faerie wings I made a few years ago and have them play outside.

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May 1st is my birthday Happy so I do celebrate it in that sense. Happy

My ex-husband and his girl want to throw me a Scandinavian party, though. May Pole and who knows what else Happy

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Well I don't celebrate May 1st but the day the first Monday of May (the May bank holiday) falls on. I go to a small village called Standon in Hertfordshire UK and there is a fete, craft stalls, maypole dancing by the local school children, clogg dancers and Morris men. It's great I take my dogs and we drink beer and sit in the Sun (my friends and I ... not the dogs!)

My boyfriend's band has also provided all the music for the last 10 years for the Morris men and the Maypole dancers, so perhaps I'm biased!

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Haha Lala!Dont take me wrong,we doo like to drink a few drinks on that day,but we dont sit in cars and drive around acting all crazy.We just sit by the fire and say stupid things to each other,no harm done.
Three years a go a 15 year old girl died on may 1st,because she was drunk and her drunk frends left her on the fields and a group of drunk idiots drove right through her.So thats the main reason I dont like people driving and walking drunk around on may first.

Oh,Sheila I use to love fire jumping as a kid!Happy

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Its my bf's bday on May the 1st so we celebrate that. I also celebrate the fact that for 5 months he can't call me old as we're the same age Happy

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hee-hee thats awesome KitKat!Im 11 days older from Joci.Happy

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In South Africa May 1st is Worker's Day too. I normally spend it by being lazy! LOL! This year, however, we're going to my friend's wedding!!

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nothing here in the US! We wait till Memorial Day at the end of May to have parades, bbq's drunken parties etc etc etc

Hey Sug- how about a May Pole? those are always fun with the kids...they always love it!

I'm actually going to a friends b-day party on Saturday does that count?

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