Do you celebrate May 1st?

19 replies since 28th April 2010 • Last reply 28th April 2010

Hi Sug...I'm with Melissa......May Poles are brilliant, kids love the colours or you could tie coloured ribbons from branches. I love the idea of faerie wings. Our middle girl is so into faerie folk we send her hunting round the garden for the little paper ones we make with glitter wings Happy

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yay I made my "to buy" list for tomorrow.Packing,shopping and arriving tomorrow at 6.And where coming home on Sunday.Yaay,almost 3 days of relaxing!
Im going to miss you guys tho!^__^

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I'd like to celebrate MayDay but the English traditions have pretty much faded. Although Minnie B I didn't realise they did that, I live near Hertfordshire too... it's a shame I'll be too busy doing coursework and revision this year, I doubt I'll be able to let myself have the time off. There's aways next year Happy

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Becky I live in England......being a Pagan though I follow the old traditions.....we are having a moot and meeting up with friends to just be thankful for the wheel of life turning to a new season and hopefully nicer being England Happy

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Sheila - that sounds like a lovely idea, well if you've already had your meeting it's worked because the weather is lovely at the moment, it was really crap yesturday!! Oh wow, it's great that you follow old traditions... I'm gonna chillax at mine and complete my coursework hopefully. I got the whole house to myself for a few days Happy

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