the swine flu..

32 replies since 15th October 2009 • Last reply 15th October 2009

I know, you don't know how they are feeling and you feel so bad because you want them to feel better

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Argh my dad has now gone down with Swine Flu... I saw him a couple of days before he got diagnosed so I hope I don't go down with it... I can't have time off sick...

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Im a nurse at an Ob/Gyn clinic and actually got the H1N1 virus about a month ago, and it was terrible!!! But it wasnt any worse that the regular flu. If you have a true "flu" virus you are miserable. Your whole body aches, you have a high fever, just exhausted. It was crappy, but I survived and got my H1N1 vaccine two weeks ago so im hoping in super immune now!!! We will see, just as long as my father who has heart disease and my daughter dont get sick, im good!!! Hope everyone else stays well!!!

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