who's your celeb crush?
yeah, power maybe...i like zachary quinto as sylar, but not as spock, lol.
it actually just might be subtle sensuality and confidence. Girls often like the bad boy, confident in his "badassity", whereas the good guy has obvious (not hidden) esteem issues and is stumbling all over himself...
Oh well.
Young Robert Plant...dressed bad, but cute and that boy could sing the pants off ya!
^^^ must agreee
Ilike spock
I like the puff sleeves! they go well with his curls!
I don't really like spock...or chris pine, for that matter.
I don't know why, I always thought he was cute
I like the glasses. I don't know why but I do
I know, I think that's why I like him so much.
Stephen Moyer
<a href="http://s120.photobucket.com/albums/o199/tinkluvspan/?action=view¤t=true_blood_bill.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o199/tinkluvspan/true_blood_bill.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
i think he is super sexy also
oooosh young robert plant YES Stephen Moyer also YES, and i've only seen true blood trailers, imagine when I start watching the programme!! damn sexy vampires!
yes i'm not the only one who hasn't seen true blood i'm just gonna buy the seasons so i don't have to wait
jim morrison theres a dead hottie
Oh I know one I forgot to mention earlier
David Tennant as The Doctor. Have can you hate him is is awesome. I'm so sad he is leaving :'( I hope the next doctor is as good as he was.
My friend really likes him and I don't get it at all :/ I liked Christopher Eccelston much more and he was more pleasing on the eye
But then it would be no good if we all liked the same person - it must be a nightmare being Vanessa Paradise. Do you think she knows everyone wants her man?
Christopher Eccelston was a good Dr too My bf quite likes him. Although he hasn't seen much with David Tennant in em (I've just got him into watching the new Dr who). Because Eccelston has an accent like Lee Mack we like to joke that its Lee Mack saving the world! (living over here we wont come across that accent as much as you probably do kitkat
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