who's your celeb crush?
Oh thanks Michelle I'd forgotten all about Colin Firth Mmmmmmm
In honor of a new page on this thread we need...
i agree courtney we did need that
i have so many but ill narrow it down to my favotire one...
That's Colin Farrell (?), but I definitely prefer Colin Firth, he's more authentic... And cute, in a love-actually-bridget-jones-way...
As for J.D: I don't like the "Tim Burton-style" Johnny Depp... It's not sexy it's just strange He's a great actor, but I liked him better before I saw all these Tim Burton Movies... I mean, I like Tim Burton (great taste in women AND men
), but his movies are so depressing... Although I have to admit, there's no better choice for the Mad Hatter's part in Alice in Wonderland!!!!
But I prefer to see Johnny Depp as John Dillinger in some months... That's better.
adrien brody, natalie portman, viggo mortensen, joe anderson (mostly just his voice) and Milla Jovovich, because we could go zombie hunting together.
ashley green
ryan reynolds...yummmy
rachel wiesz
some of my other favorites
Ohmigod, when Shia Lebouf was younger, he looks a lot like one of my friends, so I can never have a celeb crush on him.
And I love Johnny Depp in Tim Burton movies. I would MARRY Sweeney Todd, not even kidding <3 <3 <3 <3
Sweeney Todd <3 <3
And Helena Bonham Carter is pretty too.
Colin Farrell of course - I meant that not Colin Firth
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Oh come on!
Nobody wants to marry Sweeney Todd!
Unless you are masochistic and suicidal and want to end up in a meat pie!
He's totally incapable of any emotions and no: no one can save him regardless of how long you lick his wounds!!
However I perfectly understand that dark attraction he has... But I'm getting afraid of myself when I think like that!
It's kind of like wanting to marry Batman, it's the dark kind of attraction.
Except for Sweeney Todd is hotter.
haha, dark attraction:
SYLAR from Heroes
Oh, serial killers with super powers....*sighs*
its the power attraction me tbhinks
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