Nice things about today

324 replies since 10th January 2009 • Last reply 10th January 2009

took my puppy for a walk, he is now sleeping

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Uhhh...School started today! So now I have something better to do than sit around playing video games, though you can't get much better than that Happy

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Our big order of clothes from Nepal came into the store, so I've brought loads home to try on! I'm also cleaning out my room, closet and crafting area - organization = lots less stress!!! =)

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oooh nice

I recieve my silver turtle earrings today!

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I found a cam-ah-rah!

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woot! I took a nap

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Weather is mild out, national holiday, quiet streets, spending the day with my favourite man *^_^*

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Free bacon butties at work cos delegates for a meeting didn't turn up! Theres a tray of like 20 odd!!!!

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I know this is an old topic but I was looking at my old posts and I remember posting here, I think its a good thing to pick something out of the day that made you feel good. Today it was nice when it stopped raining while when i had to walk to my car.

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I'm on va cation in Hawaii right now!

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