Nice things about today
nap time and my turtles
its saturday!
sleeping in
I finally got an IPOD!! 120 Gigs too!! Probably spent more than I should have, but I'm going to be a very happy girl!!! I need me some music!!
you guys! My ostoaritis was acting up today, I feel like crap, but you always make me smile
i cleaned my room and rearranged it and that always makes me feel better. in 10 days i get a pay check!
pizza and games
i bought a lunch box today! ive been wanting one. and...8 days till paychek then 10 days till girls night out. were going to a place to paint pottery i cant wait! i'll have to take lots of pics!
finally got some new pics. tomorrow gonna go use the library to print out some homework and then to wal mart to print out those new pics. wednesday is pay day! and friday girls night out!
boyfriend treated me to supper
no school tonight. House is on.
Has been cast as 'the fairy godmother' in this years panto (first the school have ever done haha ) XD I haven't acted since I was small lol (could be interesting - not really seen as the acting type) - I also get reign over creating props Any ideas would be great for costume making and crafty props
I live in Georgia and today is the first day since march/april that is not blistering hot. It's nice out today.
spright: yay for the first cool weather of the year in the south! (from mississippi)
Today....I got a new schedule for work. No more boring computer lab! but i have to do some awesome work to get to stay but hey i can handle that. I went to the thirft stores today before school. I got a Shel Silverstein book for $1!! I love his poems. Then i took a test. did awesome. then got to leave early!! And I am Single! whoo!! Great day!
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