Nice things about today

324 replies since 10th January 2009 • Last reply 10th January 2009

Happy birthday KK!!! Happy

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Happy birthday KK!!!!

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This actually happened yesterday, and it's kind of sad, but... okay! We have some mystery critter running around in our woods/marsh area that's ripping open dogs, coons and all manner of wildlife. We don't know if it's a bobcat, a cougar or what. Anyway whatever it is... killed a mama raccoon yesterday....which is awful. But, it brought this cute little fella into our life - at least temporarily. There are some people around who are known for raising baby raccoons, so we'll try to find him a home today, but it did spend the night with us!! =) This is when we first caught it - and carried it up from the marsh in a tote box.... Awww.

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Aaaw, that is just precious. Great job saving him!

We bought a new house today!!!

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Aww cute little baby raccoon Happy. But look at the claws though, ouch.

And congrats Marieke, your house looks lovely Happy

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Congrats Marieke!! That house looks gorgeous! Couldn't wait to get in there and decorate!!!

And we did find someone to take him who was experienced with raising baby coonies - so hopefully is very happy in his (or her) new home! =)

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Congrats on the new home Marieke!!! I cant wait to buy my first home Happy

The baby coon is adorable, I hope someone finds out what is causing such horrible happenings soon.

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Me too - our best best we a bobcat. We know we have one wandering around, but nobody has caught it yet.... I talked to a friend in Alabama, and he said he's seen a bobcats aftermath on a doggie - that did survive by the way! - and that bobcats will punch holes in what it attacks. So that has to be what it is..... i hope.

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I have a list of things to do!!

Normally I wouldn't be happy about this but yay now I can fill up the time!

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The sun's out, I have no revision to do and I've been told by my mum that I can officially do nothing all day (which is unheard of!) Happy
I think I might go into college quickly to sort out some things, and then go for a wander round town and have a look in the bead shop (and probably spend more money :p)

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I'm finishing college today! I've been doing Art and Design for 2 years and tonight we're doing a exhibition of all our art work!! Can't wait! There is going to be jazz bands and stuff and arrrrggh I've got butterflies!

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Awesome Rose!!

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Well I had an awesome birthday party last night, did my last exam today so I'm completely done with college AND I get to meet Amanda Palmer, courtesy of Snippets!

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CONGRATZ Happy with the house, thats cool.

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