Nice things about today

324 replies since 10th January 2009 • Last reply 10th January 2009

Watching hummingbirds ,chickadees and squirrels while making my second thanksgiving day lunch for 3 ! Clearing the craft table and eating lunch with that view Happy and the Bald eagles fly by that accompanied desert.

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I bought some more makeup and a top, so I'm dressing up tonight and going to the SU. Totally in a rockabilly mood today haha

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awesome, It was so warm out today

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I won a give away at The Quilted Fish!

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Well this should have been posted on Friday but all my coursework is done for Uni this Semester!! I've got a lot of revision to do, but the deadline isn't as stressful and tight. Also this week is my last week at Uni!! Also the X-Factor has finished!! I'm sorry I never have nor will like that programme.

Lili - The Range is meant to be brill, there's one near me and I'd love to go!!

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Received a package in the mail, one of my xmas presents, The Clay Cookbook!

Handed out flyers for dog walking, hoping to make some extra money these summer holidays, hopefully I get some interest Happy

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crossing fingers.

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I sold a bracelet w00t=D

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I have very bright pink hair! It was meant to be like a dark pink but it's gone kinda fuschia. Which is interesting. I'm still not sure it suits me, but oh well.

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Yay for pink hair=D

I got some new beads in the post=D

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It's raining Happy I LOVE the rain...

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It's snowing! And I'm not too behind on my work, which is good. And I don't have cancer (was worried I did but was nothing.) And I've been getting presents!

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I visited my 97-yr old grandmother today. She's spunky and a real sweetheart!
Today was a good day.
Tonight's gonna be a good night.
I heard so on the radio..
Tonight's gonna be a good good night.

Gotta Love Black-eyed Peas! Happy

Wow! My first Post! Guess I'm an official member of the club!

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Aaw, I want a spunky 97 year old grandmother!

I got my essay done and apparently the creative bit is pretty good =)

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