what do you want to learn....
What do you want to learn but never tried before?
For me I would love to learn how to crochet, learn how to sign lanuage and speak Japanese, oh and interior decorating....there might be more but these are the main ones that are always on my mind.
Sky dive ^^
And i want to learn so many more cake decorating ideas. They are soo much fun.
I want to learn how to play an instrument, but I'm not sure I have the attention span for it. haha
I want to learn how to play the harp
I want to learn an instrument. Either bass, drums or saxophone. I also want to learn to crochet. I'm learning to drive and I want to be done with that =)
I want to learn how to knit. And learn how to drive, but I can't afford it . I can't wait to learn how to scuba dive as well, I'll be doing that in Honduras
I can't really think of anything new i'd like to learn...i'm usually open to trying almost anything...so i've learned a lot of things...but I do think learning how to scuba dive would be a lot of fun!
MORE ABOUT DOGGIES! infact I'm so into animal psycology now that I'm going to read about cat pyscology too and read every book I can find about dog training techniques etc! I would also like to help people learn more about doggies. I would like to improve my crochet skills but they're so poor that every time I crochet it's like learning how to everytime! I just don't get it anymore! I would like to learn how to cope with life in general because I can't do it very well anymore either.
OH OH OH I want to learn to pole dance =)
Hey I want to learn that too!! There were actually classes that taught it because it's supposed to be such good exercise, but a lot of them got shut down. v.v Other than that ... I would love to learn how to paint! And salsa.... that would be fun.
I'm a total crochet whore now. Seriously
but yea. I'd love to learn how to edit film for movies and such.
And how to make a loom. I made a ghetto one... but... obviously, its ghetto. lol. VERY ghetto in fact...
AND POLE DANCE, but I kind of already knwo how.
BELLY DANCE! salsa, tango, swing. All dances are fun.
ALSO sky dive.
White water raft, bungee jump, snowboard better [I suck. Hopefully I'll be better in a few weeks. Going to Big Bear for the holidays] Fly and airplane.
AND SCUBA IS SO FUN KT! I did it in hawaii, it was beautiful
Its realy not all that hard. The hardest part of getting prepared to go in the water, and it becomes second nature once to do it a couple of times.
I want to learn pole dance too, they do say it's good exercise...you can get poles in the mall for like 75 bucks around here and they come with videos on how to learn...but...I don't want to spend the money on it...esp. when i'm living with my parents right now...I'm not sure they'd be too happy with a pole in the middle of the house haha!
Yeah i've seen those! I dont' want to spend the money either.... but my parents probably wouldn't be surprised. I was the child who would never wear clothes, and who with my mum as the girlscout leader ... at the girlscout meeting... with all the parents...announced at the age of 6 or 7 .... that when i grew up i wanted to be a stripper. yep i sure did.... we had to do the collage on posterboard, and i cut out all the naked perfume models. LOL. so they always joked that they were going to buy me a pole for my 18th birthday. Thankfully, I'm not quite so incredibly open about those things anymore. haha.
I wanna learn to dance the flamenco! XD fun. I think it's a really interesting dance, ooh and I also want to learn to tango. XD
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