Shannon Matthew's
what do you think about the Shannon Matthew's case?
And what is the Shannon Matthew's case? Hate asking but I have no clue.
earlier this year a woman here in the uk reported her daughter[shannon] missing & a huge search took place for her, I think the biggest ever in that area... after 20 or so days the daughter was found at the flat of her mothers boyfriend's uncle who it was claimed had planned the whole thing with her mother, after a few weeks they'd planned for him to 'find' her and claim the reward money for doing so.
this week they were found guilty of doing so & are awaiting sentencing.
I think that pretty much sums it up.
I think it's disgusting that a mother would put her own child through something like that for the sake of money.
You think that is bad look up the Caley and Casey Anthony case. Still trying to figure out what happend.
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