In January...
sooo... i was pulled out of school and homeschooled 4 years ago and now im starting college in january. kinda scared, but excited. what everyone else doing in '09?
i am going to rule the world.
College isn't all that much like high don't even have to socialize and nobody will talk about you. I wasn't a social person and didn't go to parties...unless you go to a small school, then I don't know what it's like. In '09 I will have my Bachelor's!!! WOOO HOOO FINALLY HAVING A DEGREE!!! Then hopefully I will have a JOB!
I should fight sugar so then I can rule the world and give EVERYONE POPTARTS!!!
in '09 i will be EXACTLY THE SAME
I will go back to university in Feb..^^ *yay*
And Maybe I move to a new flat with my boyfriend.. ;)
I'm hopefully going to get taken on perminatly at work, learn how to make doggies pretty and how to train them. Possibly going to learn to drive too.
Rena - College is different from school, everyone is maturer, they WANT to be at college, well most of them. Although it just depends on the college. You have to thinkeveryone is in the same boat it's new and no one knows each other and most of the time you get to know people on the first day, you get drawn to someone and they do to you, just introduce yourself when the time is right
I've got a guy I met on a cruise five years ago coming to see me!!! After all this time, and I'm so incredibly excited! He's English... a pilot... and so gentlemanly!! Handsome too.... oh I can't wait!!
*g* Jenna that guy sounds cute.. Good luck for you ^^
I go to university in October =) I also have my year anniversary with Tim, Glastonbury and Download to look forward to. Yay!
Well, see what you think!! This is one of my favorite pictures from the cruise we went on all those years ago - and we both look the same.... He's so cute! And he's got that British accent....ahhhh. I could just listen to the boy talk all day.
And thank you for wishing me luck!
You two look like some perfect couple! It's like Barbie and Ken haha. He's very pretty =) and yes well, obviously, us British folk have beautiful voices =P
^^ My ex boyfriend was british... I love the accent.. It sounds so sexy *g*
And wow... that pic is sooo pretty.. a perfect couple like kitten said ;) Your dress is amazing btw...
He reminds me of some guy from dancing school I visited a few years ago ^^
Heh I liked the Barbie and Ken comment - that cracked me up! I was definately not expecting that, but it was cute!
Jess, you went to dancing school? What kind of dances did you do? I LOVE dance - my mum was a dance teacher, so I kind of grew up around it.
Thanks for the compliment on my dress too! I really loved it, but had to get rid of it recently... my er.... top half no longer fit into it. LOL
Well It was not a special dancing school.. we learned all kind of Dances.. Like murenge,salsa,samba,The hustle*g*, and many more.. you can choose if you want to specialize in something... There are a lot of different classes... Also with modern dances ;)
But I love dancing samba btw ;) *g*
Ohhhh now see you've done all the fancy dancing that i've never tried! I have background in the regular stuff - tap, ballet, jazz, modern - although i do bellydance!!! I'm also into contra... which is a cross between swing and line dancing, but i would love to try those sexy saucy dances! Then again, the idea of dancing in heels sort of scares me....
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