Diva Cup

61 replies since 19th November 2008 • Last reply 19th November 2008


I've got one in right now. (Moon cup, that is.)

Let's go through all points at once:

Mama Zoe, your room mate is right- no mess, no overflowing (you'd have to have it in for your entire cycle for that, surely)
I got one because I simply couldn't afford towels anymore, and they always made me feel as though I had a big clunky obvious nappy thing in my knickers. I also hated changing them in public toilets... the noise! and if i was staying at a friend's house i wouldn't have anywhere to dispose of them (all my friends are boys)

It's not gross. It's perfectly hygenic.

They aren't uncomfortable. They sit lower than tampons, but you still can't feel them. There is a long pokey ruber bit at the bottom (used for getting them out!) and for a few months i walked around with it being unecessarily long, but i cut it off and it turned out you hardly need it at all. Now I almost forget it's there at all.

Sloshing around never crossed my mind...

Washing the thing's fine.. it's your own blood. That doesn't bother me a single iota. I guess for some girls it's different though.
Also, you don't have to wash it if you're in a public toilet, you could give it a quick wipe with some toilet paper. Or, you can wait until you get home. There's no risk of infection with it, it will not give you TSS so you don't have to worry about it.

I never used tampons. I went straight from pads to the mooncup and I was terrified- they're pretty big things, but they fold up before they pop in and I wouldn't go back for the world.

It's so convenient and you don't need to worry about running out of supplies/money for the supplies. Everything's on you.

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I see your point Roma. Maybe one day....... maybe. Still kind of freaks me out though. Can't be too bad of an idea if they have been around since the 30's Why have I never heard of these before ?

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Actually Roma, that's a good point about friend's houses - it's always awkward when I stay over at Tim's and I just have to keep the used towels in my bag which is obviously gross.

The only bit that bothers me is that I've never used tampons so the idea of putting something in worries me, I think I'd do it wrong! But I may have a talk with my mum, actually.

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Roma, you have really convinced me that this change would be a good idea.

My main problem though, is that I have a very psychical job, I am constantly bending and moving about, do you think it would move inside me and leak?

Kitten, with tampons, you know if you have done it wrong, as you can feel it is just not right.
So I presume it would be the same with the cup, I could be wrong.

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I guess it's just that I've never used anything like that. And I would imagine all day you'd be feeling this thing. But I suppose that would be silly.

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I hate pads, Hate them, but I hate tampons too. Neither are perfect imo, but tampons feel more discreet in your bag/pocket/hand hehe than pads, but I think this cup seems even better!

I never really go anywhere, so washing it would not be a problem and the jacks in work has a sink in the cubicle Happy

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I think we should have a mass change over to the cups.

Yeah, towels always feel so in the way. And just not discreet. The first time I used the cup, I would probably wear a towel as well, just in case.

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Thats probably a good idea. Maybe a slim towel ;) hehe

Now I know I have seen them sold in the big supermarket here, but I don't remember the price, bloody expensive I am sure and now with the kr worth nothing, even more so! Which kind of means I should change over, as bullets(tampons) are going to rise in price too Happy

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I have always had this thought that if I was to ever get stranded somewhere (like an island... which is absurd since I never go anywhere!) I would want to be covered so getting food was one of my only concerns. I've always had this mental list of things that would make that easier on me. having a cup is #1. I think this came to mind the more I watched Lost. so I think they're a great idea... I just don't know where to find them except online.

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lol ^^ the weirdest thing I found on crafster about Diva Cup,tampons and all of this stuff was a menstrual care packing swap ^^ *lol*
I would never think about starting such a swap ^^ boy..that´s so weird...
but I think its also a nice idea.. think it could help you to feel better in this days when you get a nice present ^^
Well ..by the way.. I hate sanitary towels too and washable pads... eeeeeeeeehhhhh!!!! :-O
I´m using Tampons and I really tought about using Mooncups.. I never heard something bad about them ;)

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Aaw that swap sounds awesome!

Candice, I don't know where you can get them over there but I'm guessing big supermarkets, eco-friendly shops and chemists. I've seen them over here in Boots.

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Opposites, physical job is fine

The cup forms a seal in your vagina and it moves with it and won't leak a bit.

And Kitten, I'd never used tampons before and people saying "if you put them up high enough you won't feel them" TERRIFIED me. I was convinced I'd end up in A&E complaingin of a lost tampon in my womb (Ridiculous, I know) but the cup sits really low in your vagina and you can't feel it at all.

The only thing is when you first get it you get a big long pokey rubber thing on it, which I mentioned. If you keep this in, it will stick into the side of your vagina and if you sit down on a hard seat, like a plastic chair (Or as I found, an artist's donkey which is a special life drawing seat) the rubber bit and the seat will pinch you in an uncomfortable place and you'll be squirming a lot... But, you can cut most of it off and it's fine and it won't be a problem in the slightest

And yeah, I'm sure you could get them off the internet if you wanted to.

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Thanks Roma Happy

I just checked it out and mooncup.co.uk sell them online from their website 19.99£ inc post in the UK, postage outside the UK was 2£ I think.
I am going to check it out wether it's worth buying online, or from here.



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Check out the FAQ's on the divacup.com site... it answers all the concerns you gals have been asking (including me and the leakage question) lol... go see Happy

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wow hmm... Like so many others, I might just use this...

I'm still confused on how to use it though... you said "pop" Roma..

So is it like...




those are your legs and vag-area, lol.

and so the cup is like


and first, and then put it in and Pop it up so its like


and then when you take it out there is a little pully thing


and when you pull it, it pops back normally

---| stuff

and the *stuff* goes in the cup, and you just dump it out?

am I getting this right?

Maybe... idk...

I'm imagining it like those little ... they were rubber toy things and you would push them and put then on a table and they would "pop" back into normal position and bounce really high [but the diva cup I'm guessing doesn't BOUNCE, lol]

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