odd and crazy news

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8 replies since 16th November 2008 • Last reply 16th November 2008

I was walking to work and this man was walking towards me from under a bridge, and all over a sudden I realise, as if it had just appeared there, that he was carrying some kind of frikkin HAWK! on his arm. Then the day after my boyfriend saw a man on a field near his work, with a similar type of bird!

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i saw this on youtube,
this guy Flufee i think,
said a cow was bering transported form one place to another by means of a helicopter, and so while the cow was up in the air, he ( or she? ) decided to go to the washroom Tongue
and so from all those kilometers up, the turd-y thing came rocketing down, and...
a man happened to be hiking tha area when POW. he got hit by the cow poop.
he is now paralzyed from the NECK down.
aww, i feel sorry for him, like oh man, that REALLY sucks.
but...you cant hep but laugh, (a tiny little bit Tongue )

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holy crap! yeah, umm that is strange and sad and WTF...

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:O that...*giggle*...sucks.

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Huh. Well you don't see THAT everyday...

lol poor guy!

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That must've been one heavy poop! Either that or it just got up to some really high speed as it was falling from the sky lol.

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Isn't a cow always a she? Otherwise it would be a bull. It's a yucky story, but kind of funny.

I just read about a British woman who was allergic to her own child! Oh, and a really cute story about a dog who was found back after it had been lost for nine years. He was 2.000 kilometers from home! The dog had a microchip. The owner used to be a little girl, but now she was already 17 years old.

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