The Great British Sewing Bee: Week 3
if u sent this message 1hr ago i would of said hell yes!!! im on the last 4 mins now lol
I haven't seen ANY of this series yet!!!! Looks like I need to get some serious sofa+catch-up-tv time this week!!!!!
seriously u cant miss it, its better than last years
eh again with the time zones! I have to wait till tomorrow because my mom and dad love the show to so I have to wait for them but I'm soooo excited for this week!!!
i really want to make my own kimono now lol
ooo @mischievousraven kimonos are super fun to make! I hand sewed one out of lace last year
@pineconeprincess I have the sewing bee book now and im sure it has a kimono pattern.. . . Might have to check tho
@mischievousraven oo cool! cant wait to get my hands on a copy!
I still need to watch this... hopefully I'll get a chance today but I'm throwing my friend a 90's themed birthday party, so I might have to wait until tomorrow when I'm all hungover
@catmorley its a brill week on BSB
Yay! I'm delighted to have won the book here on CO&K
Can't wait to see what's in it, although I've been sewing and dressmaking since I was about ten, there's always new ideas and techniques to try out.
I got a cool new sewing machine for my birthday this year, so I'm all set now
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