Flying Paper Lantern?

Me and one of my girl friends went out shopping today for a project she had in mind for father's day. She wants to make a flying paper lantern in memory of her grandpa. She has almost everything she needs to make it, but we can't seem to find fire proofing product. We went to a craft shop and a hardware store, but neither really knew what it was or where to find it. And since father's day is in a couple of days and since she already bought a lot of the materials, I was wondering if there was anything we might be able to buy or a way to make it so the paper and everything doesn't catch fire (maybe a way to alter the lantern?).

Thank you for your time Happy

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4 replies since 17th June 2011 • Last reply 17th June 2011

hummm...idk. I guess i would just call every hardware place and craft or hobby store in the area. Happy There are fire resistant fabrics, but they would be too heavy to float.

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I know there is a spray you can use to make your Christmas Tree fire retardant...I'm not sure if you can use it on paper though.

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Found this stuff:

Supposedly you can use it on paper, but I've never used it so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness. Also, it looks semi-expensive ($17 a bottle on Amazon)

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Hope you had some luck, if not, u could try looking at it from the other end....find someone who MAKES fireproofed/retardent products and ask them to help?
If you explained what it was for, they might be willing to help as a good publicity kinda thing.
If u can't find anyone locally at first, u could speak to a local theatre/ school etc and ask if they source their stage curtains (which have to be treated by law) locally....
Don't know if that helps any, but its always a coupla ideas to try!

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