Freezer Paper in the UK

66 replies since 14th March 2009 • Last reply 14th March 2009

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WOW!!! are just a little too excited about the freezer paper...but uh...yeah cool drawing! hee hee!!!

I live in the states and I don't even understand the purpose of freezer paper.

If sugar gets the freezer paper than I get the bubble wrap!!

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I look like I'm drooling in that picture...but other than's pretty good...seeing how puffy I would be with bubble wrap! Hee hee!!!

P.S. I do not drewl over bubble wrap...I promise!

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Damn bubble wrap is taken i call suran wrap Thats fun to wrap others up in cause its impossible to get out

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ROFLMAO!! You all are animated as hell! Happy...but freezer paper is that white paper that they wrap your fresh meat in at the grocery store.

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Freezer paper is available at any quilting shop in Australia. It comes on a roll similar to plastic wrap or baking paper, and is sold by the metre. It's very useful stuff; I use it mainly for applique. One side is shiny and you iron this side onto your fabric. Freezer paper can be reused quite a number of times before it "wears out". I don't know if it has an alternative name that is used in the UK, but start your search at quilting shops.

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cut out & keep seems so innocent but really it's the drawing board of machiavellian schemes

i just don't know who i can trust anymore!?!

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Come to the dark side we know how to bake muahahahaha

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Yes come to the dark side, we have yummy cookies to share. mwahahahaha!

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and if your against us we can knit straight jackets

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arghh...woolen bondage...

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Hee hee! I am KT the killertart!! Hee hee!

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Hehehe do you eat other poptarts?

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Strawberry poptarts?

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