Mod Podge issues

hey guys,
i've been meaning to makemy own stencis to put on shirts useing the silkscreeningmethos
it callsfor somemodpodge
does anyone know where i can get it in Canada?
or even better, any sustitutes forit,orhowtomake it at home?
i wikipedia-ed itbutuknowitsalways safer toask a bunch of crafters than a webpage.

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3 replies since 5th December 2009 • Last reply 5th December 2009

You can get it at Walmart in the craft section! There are different varieties including matte, gloss, sparkle, glow in the dark etc. You could also get it at michael's or other craft stores, but when I went to buy it , the cheapest spot was walmart! HTH Happy

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There is a method to make your own here

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Thanks everyone! ithelped a bunch Happy

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