HELP needed from all knitters

I am currently knitting a wrap which has a lace edging. I have made all of it apart form the lace edging. I am having problems understanding the pattern. there never seems to be enough stitches. you start of with 8sts

The pattern goes:
1st row: k2 *yrn, p2tog,[k1, p1, k1] all into next st, rep from * to end
2nd row:[k3,yrn,p2tog]twice k2.
3rd row :k2[yrn,p2tog,k3]twice.
4th row: bind off 2 sts knitwise( so one remains on RHN), yrn,p2tog,castoff next 2sts knitwise (so 4 sts are on RHN) yrn, p2tog,k2

you have to finsh with 8 stitches
I mainly cant under stand the last line
could some one write it out in a way i might be able to under stand. please help i don't want to add this wrap to the pile of unfinshed projects.

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2 replies since 8th August 2011 • Last reply 8th August 2011

Hi there,

I came across your post and think I can help, as long as the following instructions make sense:

The first 3 rows of the pattern should leave you with 12 stitches. Make sure you have these 12 stitches before you try to complete the last row of the pattern, otherwise the last row won't work. Then carry of as below:

Last line: Bind off 2 stitches knitwise – so for this you need to first knit 2 from the left hand needle, giving you 2 stitches on the right hand needle, then bind off 1 of those stitches on the right hand needle. Knit 1 more from left hand needle and bind off 1 more stitch from right hand needle. This will leave you with 1 stitch on the right hand needle. Bring the working yarn round the right hand needle, then purl 2 together from the left hand needle. Knit 2 more stitches from the left hand needle and then bind off one of these stitches on the right hand needle. Knit 1 more stitch from the left hand needle and again bind 1 stitch off from the right hand needle. This will leave you with 4 stitches on the right hand needle. Bring the working yarn around the right hand needle, purl 2 together from the left hand needle and knit the remaining 2 stitches from the left hand needle.

This should leave you with 8 stitches.

I hope this helps and has made sense, if not message me back and I'll try and help some more. Good luck with the pattern!

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You could always use some scrap yarn and practise on that, then just undo it afterwards?

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