Calling UK based thrifty craft people!

Hello lovely Cut Out and Keep people!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am working on a UK TV show called 'Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not'. In it, we are looking for great and creative money saving tips - everything from growing plants in old cans to making a cheap pair of jeans look funky and vintage.

I thought there may be a few members on here who would be interested in sharing their wisdom on the show, so here I am casting my hook! We would love to hear from anyone who fancies being on TV with their innovative ideas for around the house, garden or wardrobe!

Hope you are all having a great week.

Please do message me on here if interested!




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7 replies since 9th May 2011 • Last reply 9th May 2011

Ohh sounds interesting! I love recycling my old clothes and making new things out of them, In my house I got lots of boxes full of material from old things which I then use to make cushions, bags and even a huge patchwork quilt I am making currently using all recycled fabrics for. I also make recycled gifts for stalls at car boots and fairs
I am 17 (not sure if you looking for people that age) but I think it will be cool to have a younger person on there showing what they do to help the environment!

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Thanks Sophie!

Have messaged you.


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i used some old bags that i got free with magazines to make two bag organizers
i've made emergency tins for friends and swaps by using body srcub tins ( from Lush) that i've painted then put art work on them
i have just used some of my daughters old GCSE art work that i've cut down and added bits to for gift cards

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Have a look at my Skylight Blind project. It can be made with recycled pillow cases instead of new (though new ones last longer). Not sure i'm entirely comfortable with my face being on TV though! What is the format of the show? Will there be interviews or just demos for projects?

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i've seen this before on tv, doesnt always manage to paint the savers in a good light, it makes some of them seem hoarders and that they re-use everything. i don't know if that is what the people were actually like, but that is the way they appeared on the programme

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Nikki-you could let the thread moderator know that this might not be a positive experience and get the post removed

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Hi Guys,

I understand how some of you may feel that the subject can show crafters/savers in a bad light, however, these forums are free for all to write and as this thread has had positive interest from others I feel that it might not be necessary to delete.

It's down to individuals to assess if they are willing to contribute and share their ideas with this show. Everyone has different opinions, some may see this as a brilliant idea for others to 'jump on the band wagon' and re-use and start crafting, whereas others - not so. I hope you can all see the point I'm trying to get to, I'm trying to think of this situation from everyone's point-of-view.


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