Eco life

24 replies since 23rd October 2008 • Last reply 23rd October 2008

If you ever need to clean your microwave, take slices of lemon, stick them in a bowl of water then microwave for 20-30 seconds. It helps loosen all the food particles and its super easy to clean!

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ooh I love doing that

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I've just started following a families blog who are trying to produce no waste. Its really inspired me and I've been buying all our fruit & veg from the market as they sell it in paper bags so they can be recycled. I've also been really geeky and made myself a spreadsheet where I'm putting in everything I think I need to buy. I've then got columns with 'make it?', 'borrow it', 'second hand?' and 'best value?'. I've been answering all those questions then I've got columns for 'waste?' and 'resale?'. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up but I'm hoping once I get into a habit of thinking this way about everything I'll save some money and help the environment a bit more. \o/

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thats cool, we do the same. We compost and grow our own herbs and some root vegs

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Also I love Lush stuff. The shampoo & conditioner bar I've got has lasted me about 3 months and there's no packaging. Same with the bath bombs Happy Also the shower gel lasts forever. They smell amazing too.

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lush is amazing, we don't have it here. But we do have Tval. Its a local company that makes homemade and natural soaps and makeup. I want to try their soaps

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Just had a look Happy There stuff looks really nice. Might bookmark it for further investigating. ;)

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We also grow our own veg and some fruit so we save some money aswell as helping the environment Happy We don't use any weedkiller or pesticides so its organic too.

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