Things to do with extra buttons?

I have TONS of buttons. I have a habit of buying jars of buttons at garage sales and.. I have way too much to deal with. Does anyone have any cool ideas for them? I have all types of buttons, regular, HUGE, decorative, etc.

I was thinking of sewing most of the metal buttons to the back of a jacket and the rest to a matching hat. But, that still leaves me with tons of more buttons Tongue

I would love to hear your thoughts!

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5 replies since 1st July 2014 • Last reply 1st July 2014

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Thank you!

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I have the same exact problem, but I made a few of these, which helped out a bit

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Those are pretty cute, to! I will probably make some of them as well Happy

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I do not buy jars of buttons, only what I need, but I must admit they do build up as I do not like to throw old clothes away without saving the buttons. Future jars of buttons for garage sales?

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