Birthday Gift?

i want to gift my friend a very special handmade craft....
plzz suggest me easy crafts

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5 replies since 12th April 2014 • Last reply 12th April 2014

Shrinky dinks can be used to make unique charms and things. You can cut whatever shape you want and color or paint it. I usually paint them with nail polish or acrylic paint.

Simple stretchy bracelets are always nice, too, since they can be made to go with anything.

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If you look at my projects I do a bunch of easy personalised gifts such as paper cut silhouettes (can be of any favourite movies/bands/ or even the person you're making it for.
Or grab some felt and some fabric glue and add a personal touch to a shop bought pillow Happy

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It really depends on your friends personalities and interests. As an example one of my friends is really into the joker from batman, so I made her a purse out of playing cards. What are your friends interests?

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she only loves dance

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Maybe you could make her a necklace out of polymer clay, if you have some on hand. Maybe a pair of ballet shoes? Or something similar. The shrink plastic idea is also good.

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