Turned pants into a purse
I've been meaning to do this for ages. They were corduroy pants that were so soft, I couldn't part with them when they blew out. I used a method I found on Threadbangers where you use one leg as a flap and the other turns into the strap.
Lovely See thats where I went wrong with mine, I used 3/4 length cords so I didn't have enough for a flap. I love mine though
Loving it is the important part
I also took the boring buttons off the strap on the side pockets and sewed on cute ones, I think I have a butterfly and a sunflower
It is like a bottomless pit though, it's huge I can never find anything!
The only bad thing about this one is that it's soooo wide, yet rather shallow. It's a good purse, but you're going, dang, that was my behind in there.
I love buttons. Especially vintage.... oooo
Yeh mine is quite wide, but very deep. It has 4 outside pockets so I put all the stuff I always need in there, which means the bag is usually pretty empty hehe
Buttons are so cool, my local knitting shop sells some lovely ones, I might go there this week and have a look see.
I'm thinking of hitting the thrift shop or a yard sale for some giant men's slacks or jeans to make a carrier style bag...
On the other end, little kid pants would make cute fancy bags. Lots of little girl pants have embroidery on the bottom to go on the flap.
So many ideas
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