Cool ebay fabric shop.

Pretty cool fabric, quite low priced and fair amounts! how come things in shops are never full listed when you search for stuff it's so annoying I think I'll just search the shops from now on!! I'll be buying from them soon!

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5 replies since 18th June 2008 • Last reply 18th June 2008

OMG!!!!!!! Thank you so much queenfairypants, I am practically drooling at the gorgeous choices here! ^_^

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I found such a sweet fabric it has little round owls on it but it was on another shop and like 6 quid for a fat quarter!!!

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6 squid?!?!?!?!?! WOOT!?!?!? Was it woven by little round owls? lol

I like all the cupcake fabrics, think they'd look great on a tiered skirt with a complimentary plain/lightly patterned fabric as each alternate tier..... also, I'm daft enough to wear a 'cake' skirt, lmao!!!

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THANK U! anyway if u live in nj theres a shop, in north plainfield, called fabricland, sewing machine's dream, i know the sites a bit nerdy but the place rocks, heres the site:

and number


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Really cool shop! I hate how much some of the prices are for tiny so called fat quaters are on ebay. I always find if you google something you'll find a shop easier on ebay.

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