Necklace Chains Help!!!

I've really got into making necklaces at the mo, but I can't seem to find coloured necklace chains anywhere, maybe i'm searching for the wrong thing. I've found some on ebay but people are trying to charge £2 for a metre and then £3 for postage, is this too much, or is this the price I should be looking at???

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I just need a good old shove in the right direction.


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8 replies since 2nd July 2008 • Last reply 2nd July 2008

do you have any haberdasheries in your area? or one of those bead shop's, called 'the bead shop' ironically, also indoor markets are great for cheap stuff.

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like these?

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Thanks sugarlishes those aren't the kind I'm looking for, but they're pretty darn cool, and I could use a few of them.

queenfairypants, I've checked out my local haberdashery stores and the market and theres nothing like that, rubbish I know.

Any online sites anyone can think of maybe.

Thank you for your help so far though Happy

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I found this site...
Is this what you're looking for?

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oh those are neat ki ki! Happy

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I think so, too. Tongue I never knew that chain came in other colours than gold, silver, and copper.

I also found this from Fire Mountain Gems:
I have no idea what nylon chain is, but it's colourful! Heheh.

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Kiki you're a star thats exactely what I'm looking for, I know they come in loads of colours it's just finding them all lol. I'm definately going to have to get some of those now thank you so so much Happy

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You're very welcome! Glad I could help Happy

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