Spray Adhesive not sticking...

Hi! Im trying to use a spray adhesive to glue paper onto corflute (you know that plastic board that they use for For Sale signs?). It just doesn't seem to be sticking very well, peels off even after 24 hours of drying....any suggestions on how I can make it STICK!? The glue im using is ADOS, its actually really good quality but the paper just doesn't wanna stick - should I be spraying twice before sticking? Thanks Happy Melissa in NZ..

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2 replies since 21st February 2013 • Last reply 21st February 2013

Have you tried using double sided tape?? And one question: are you sticking it on glass??

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You may need to spray each surface before sticking them together. I would recommend also weighing down the stuff with something heavy for 24 hours to see if the pressure helps with adhesion.

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