Spring Cleaning!

It's that time of year again.

I was just sitting in a pile of ribbons, zippers, and elastic, wondering what to do with it all. My organization consists of big boxes for fabric, and shoe boxes for everything else, all shoved into my closet. It's not cutting it anymore. I need a new system!

So, I figured I'd ask some other crafty folk: How do you sort your supplies? What do you do with all the loose bits, or piles that aren't quite big enough to require their own box/shelf/drawer/whatever?

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3 replies since 27th April 2011 • Last reply 27th April 2011

When I have small quantities of things I put then into envelopes or ziplock baggies! Then I can toss them into other drawers or boxes. Like I have a fabric box, but all the small bits of fabric I stuff into a shoe box that goes inside the bigger box. that way when I just need a tiny bit of fabric for something I know where it is and I dont have to cut another chunk off the larger piece. I use ziplock for my beads Happy I have a big plastic box for just beads, but they are organized by color or design or w/e into individual bags.

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For all my odds and ends, I take a cleaned out soup or vegetable can and decorate the outside of it, then throw all the loose stuff in the can according to what it is. Sometimes it will be buttons, other times beads or ribbons.

Like Pam, I use zip lock bags for whatever else just won't go into a can or other storage container, usually zippers and special threads.

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I usually use plastec bags, small boxes, and lots of shelf room in my closet

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