picture from yarn

I got a great home crafts idea. I have some leftover wool pieces, and I have cut them into very tiny dust like buts. Now I sketched a picture in a hard paper, and put glue allover it. Now on putting the right color yarn on the desired part of the pic, one can get a beautiful colored yarn picture. Any other nice idea for making crafts with leftover yarn?

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1 reply since 28th September 2010 • Last reply 28th September 2010

It depends on how much yarn you have! I know whenever I have lots of leftover yarn I braid a bunch of pieces together and make lots of braided strands. Then I tie each braid together so it's on big line a braided yarn. Makes good streamers !! Or, make a bunch of long braided pieces and hang them above your door, it's fun to walk in and out of your room! Happy

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