I found an easy gram converter! :-D

This is for anyone who ever follows recipes that were written in a different country. I just "translated" a recipe using this link:


The site is "Gourmet Sleuth," and there are many other conversion options.

Just thought I'd let everyone know! I, of all people, definitely know how frustrating it can be to try and translate a recipe. ;)

Happy baking!!! :-D

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3 replies since 23rd September 2010 • Last reply 23rd September 2010

Woooo thanks for this Rachie, I don't cook and bake very often but it'll come in handy for when I do!! Happy

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Thanks! I always worry that people wont understand my recipes,that's why I dont post most of them...

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Aww, that's too bad!

The truth is, the internet makes it REALLY easy to translate just about any recipe... but it can be slow-going, which is why I posted this when I found it. I mean, heck-now even I will know where to find it! ;) (I don't use "favorites" on my puter. :-P )

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