please help :( my things wont sell
i have been trying to sell alot of things i made and still making for a long time but not even one buyer.
i tried my website
and a myspace page
so far no luck at all. so i though id post on here, i think other crafters like me would appreciate them *I hope*
i hope people read this, thanks if you are! i apprecaite it very much
I checked out your etsy site out - have you tried photography your stuff against a light background. At first glance your page looks very dark and it detracts a little from the products your selling.
yeah i agree, i need to work on that. my camera isnt very good. but i ne ed these things to sell, ill retake the pics!! thanks for pointing it out. hope you will check back when i repost them
I know how you feel- my photography is lacking. I think with really good pictures you could sell. Also, I understand with the economy the way it is many people are having trouble selling. Try selling localy too, with your friends/coworkers, or maybe at a local shop or craft show.
thanks beryl! yeah id love to sell to friends and such, thing is i live in base with my bf, and im always stuck in the room. got no control of it. so i have no friends here i only have him. so all i have as an option to sell my things is online!!
so i hope to make progress soon!
Let me know when you repost piccies and I'll definitely take a look I also have the same problem with photo quality and take my pics with my phone
thanks so much Arty i will certainly let you know!!! im hopeing tomorrow or monday ill have them fixed.
If you are really finding it hard to sell your creative pieces of work, then there are always websites like eBay, you could put a reserve price on your stuff or a buy it now price.
Another way that I know of is DeviantART where you can show off your creativity and tell people you are willing to sell some works.
I hope this helps, if I find another way I shall keep you updated
But like someone else said, the problems of the recessions are going to decrease sales, multi-national chains are having trouble pushing sales figures, let alone an unknown artist like yourself trying to sell in much smaller quantities, but keep pushing and you will get there eventually as you have some very nice things!!!
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