problem skin
Every birth control pill I tried made me break out horribly or be horribly ill or have even worse cramps (which is what I was on them for), or all three together, and I'd try 'em for however many months like I was supposed to and do everything and... blegh, it never got better... So I just decided it wasn't for me.
I guess with my genes I'll have acne until I'm fifty. Maybe older, but that's how old my parents are so I can't say any older for sure.
I do get really bad cramps with my pill, but the clear skin is worth it.
you know even on the pill, I get pimples. I can not win
I don't get breakouts so much, more like one or two really big pimples - like right in the middle of my forehead or chin. the pill helped my face, but after I took a break from it I got worse skin than I've ever had - my cheeks filled up with clusters of tiny pimples in addition to the giant, stubborn, deep surface ones! I tried all sorts of tricks and tips from other people and nothing worked, the one thing I finally found that helped my face was the Neutrogena soap-on-a-rope I made for that guy going to jail... it's a good thing he's too cheap to pay his tickets and that glycerine soap is hard to find aorund here!
tea tree helps, it dries up the spots but it can sting and sting your eyes. I never had any bad problems with my skin, I think it's to do with having really dry skin and it's just the way it worked out with my hormones, but over the past year I've had loads of under the skin ones and a few of the usual big random ones. I have one on my cheek that is faaaat.
I usually only get pain on the day before and the 1st day that I'm on, sometimes none at all! I usually get backache and or a headache or both and I've had headaches that bad that I've had to go to bed! thats the only ikkyness it was much worse without the pill. Microgynon 30 is the name of my pill.
I tried green tea, but it causes my skin some irritation. I have been using rubbing alchcol and it seems to be working.
yeh I get the odd pimple around my period too on the pill. Killer headaches too, I've tried to stop taking pain pills though, as I have read they can make the headaches just as bad, I haven't had the real bad ones in about 2 months, like what Queenie says I would have to go to bed and make the room dark and pop in some ear plugs.
I hate my passport photo, my skin looks so bad in it! Only 3 more years until I can update it!
I try to avoid taking pain killers any time, i don't really know why, pain killers do nothing for period pain, a heat patch works wonders when i get back pain because it relaxes the muscles directly. Seriously try savlon for spots!
well I will try it
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