artist trading cards?

i finally broke down and bought a little package of them at the store yesterday. i am excited to try them - i love that they're small and meant to be given away. i always do my best work when its for someone else!

i know that we're all crafty around here, but does anyone paint/draw/do mixed media stuff and trade these little suckers? i can't wait to start sharing!

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9 replies since 11th December 2010 • Last reply 11th December 2010

Lola- I'm sure that if you had completed your Vet V Newbie swap and explored the site a bit more you would quickly find Creative's ATC swap.
There are lots of examples there and you may find that it runs agan in the New Year

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Lola, i know how you feel about the ATCs. I just made my first set today. An yeah I saw the swap for Creative's ATC. That's also why I had to make some. They are really amazing, and I can't wait to start sharing them too!

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I made one set of 9 for the ATC swap a while back... I only ever did the one round. They were really fun to make and I love the freedome you get with them. As long as they're the right size you can basically do anything you want to them. Instead of buying cards you can always use playing cards. That way you can get a whole pack of them very cheap and they are the perfect size -that's what I did! I agree about always doing better work when they're made for someone else.

I posted my ATCs as a project. Here's the link if you want to look:

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I done Creative's Swap on here a few times, & i love making ATC's also! Theyre a good way to kill time when your bored too. lol
I heard years ago that artists in the 70's used to make these & trade/mail them to eachother to make more artist friends, & collect eachothers art. I was really surprised & excited to see people still do it some. I try to take mine seriously, like them, too and usually make them into lil peices of art or have a strong message. Its so fun.

I recently broke my wrist also, and now all i can do are paper crafts and lil stuff, so i've made like 30 of these in the past 2 months. XD (I have lots of time to kill.) I cant wait till the swap opens up again!

(I also make my own cards to decorate from cardboard cereal boxes. Just cut them to the right card size. IT's free!)

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HAHA! That's exactly what they are DarkAsHurts, miniature pieces of art!! I will start the swap back up next month. I have been running the swap for about 2 years now, but I always postpone it in November and December due to the holidays. Unfortunately though, I'm still not able to edit the swap title so I may start a new thread picking up with round 18 if Tom hasn't fixed that by then.

I too cut my own cards from cereal and other food boxes. I have stacks and stacks of them. You can use any type of media you chose even fabric, with the only rule being that they have to be 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 in size (same size as regular sport cards, Pokemon, Yugioh etc.)

Can't wait to start the swap again because I love making and swapping ATC's!!

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I also used them to work with kids.We made 24 in the first class.I was most impressed when one student managed to attach a marble to ATC with a blus background and called it Starry Night.
I always include ATC's in Newbie swaps to get peeps started.
Note re recycling playing card do check the dimensions I made a set that were too small once.

looking forward to seeing new ATC's

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Really Deb? That I didn't know, not that I use playing cards anymore, I just don't like they way they feel among other reasons why I don't use them.

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They were UK ones from a famous stationary shop.I gesso'd a whole load made a dozen cards and when I put them with my others they were too small.
Will get round the problem by adding lace borders next time !

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Awesome! Its nice to see so many responses Happy I have been using the website, I've done some awesome swaps there so far. In fact, I've been so distracted by them recently that I sort of forgot that I posted a thread here... oops! Well, I blame the holidays too.

But if anyone else uses the other trading site, you can find my profile here Happy

And if anyone wants to do a trade, feel free to message me here!

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