Glasgow, Scotland •

Cook some Irn Bru Sorbet with Annemarie in Glasgow, Scotland.

I live in the wonderful City of Glasgow. There are not many dishes that are native to the Glasgow area. (Deep fried Mars Bars springs to mind). There is one ingredient that is special to the Glasgow area & that is Irn Bru. The Barr's factory was based in the East End of Glasgow for a very long time. It has since moved it's production to Cumbernauld. The ingredients in Irn Bru are a closely guarded secret. The colour & taste are unique & instantly recognised. It used to be that you could only purchase Irn Bru in Scotland, but it is an international selling brand now a day's. This dish is inspired by the tasty, refreshing drink. It is extremely easy to make & tastes refreshing.

Travel Wishlist:

I will be heading to Aberdeen for my next food adventure. The Rowie!

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Missouri, USA

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