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Makeover Monday

Our members & beauty bloggers recreate the look of their favorite stars and get creative by giving them a makeover

Layla from Bellisima Lolita Makeup recreates the look of actress Chloë Moretz and gives her a sultry colourful makeover.

I love how she can rock and pull of a smokey eye without even trying! She even seems to like a bit of grungy makeup and I love that too. I'd like to give her a makeover to play on her features and try something I haven't seen her wear makeup-wise.

Liz from Liquid Jelly recreates Alexa Chung's evil eye nail art and gives her an edgy feminine manicure:

I love how Alexa Chung's style is both laid back and chic at the same time. It looks effortless because of how well each piece works with each other. And while her outfits look relaxed, they still look refined.


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