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DIY Fashionista

Outfit details:
  • Black velvet dress - thrifted/vintage
  • Marc Jacobs black velvet blazer - thrifted
  • Tights - thrifted
  • Hat - ASOS
  • Neckace - DIY'd
  • Jeffrey Campbell Litas - eBay

DIY Salty Foot Scrub:

Keep your hands and feet soft with Indy's Salty Foot Scrub tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

My style is pretty dynamic. It's hard to categorize since it changes so often but I think 'eclectic' is a good word to describe it.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

My favorite piece in my wardrobe is my black hat. I love hats and I wear them all the time, but I wear this one the most, almost with every outfit. It's definitely the thing that gets the most compliments when I'm out and about, too.

Who are your style icons?

I don't know if I have any particular icon. I'm influenced by many things, not just one individual. I like to peruse Pinterest for ideas, and I really love browsing through old photos of my mom and dad for some *real* vintage inspiration.

Do you have any favourite designers?

Runway fashion is not really my thing, and I don't seek out designer pieces specifically because I think it's really a person's style that is most important, not whether or not they are wearing designer clothes.

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes?

I don't really buy new clothing that often because I usually find what I want at vintage, thrift, and antique stores. I'd have to say that H&M would be my favorite store to find new things in, but I definitely try to stick to the sale rack! I also really like finding handmade items on Etsy. They're always unique and well made, and it's good to support businesses that offer that kind of product, even if they are more expensive.

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I haven't ever made a whole outfit, but I do like making over things I find at second hand stores. Lately I've been customizing a lot of my shirts with a bleach pen!

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?

Be yourself! I think people who know how to express themselves through their outfits and makeup tend to be the happiest and look the best because they're not trying to please anyone else. Forget all the "rules" about what you should wear based on your body type. If you like something, wear it. Life is too short to follow ridiculous rules. Wearing what you like will, in turn, make your more confident, and that is what makes you look good. Remember that people are going to stare no matter what, so you might as well make it worth their while (I think Harry Winston said that). 

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

My favorite blogs are The Clothes Horse, Delightfully Tacky, The Dainty Squid, and Jag Lever.

Outfit details:

  • Dress - Vintage
  • Headband - Little Kate Designs
  • Shoes - Vintage Whites Market

DIY Vintage Shift:

Recreate the look with Tiffany's vintage shift tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

My style is very eclectic & comfortable. I do wear jeans daily & you will rarely ever find me not in heels. I love vintage pieces. I don't have one style. I am me. My style often evokes my mood. Texture, cut, color & tone are very important to me when choosing what I buy. I also feel like I'm never totally put together. Ever! :) C'est la vie. 

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

My two favorite pieces in my wardrobe -at this moment- This amazing scarf that was a lucky snag at Target. -I really need to grocery shop somewhere else- The second is the Pasha Woven Weekender bag from Anthropologie.

Who are your style icons?

I think true style comes from within and is enhanced and inspired by others. I have alway loved black and white films. I would say Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly are people who I have alway found to have flawless style & taste. I love Ali MacGraws, Natalie Wood & style. I do LOVE Marion Cotillard, Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightly & Nicole Richie. For men Carry Grant, James Dean, Young hot Elvis, Paul Newman, Ryan O'neal, James Marsden, Clark Gable, Rock Hudson, Hugh Jackman, Frank Sinatra, Gregory Peck, Timothy Dalton, Michael Fassbender, I could really go on but this seems to be turning into a great list of hot guys. lol!

Do you have any favourite designers?

Favorite Designers.. Yes! Where do I start. I love Vera Wang, Coco Chanel, Dior, Alexander Mcqueen and many, many designers who are not known at all. I love new designers, small shops & people who recycle clothing. 

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I have made a robe for my husband. A few things here & there. Nothing serious. I customize a lot of vintage pieces I find but would LOVE to make my own.

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?

I think personalizing outfits starts with knowing & being confident in who you are. How we dress is an expression of how we feel. In short be yourself & if you feel lost try what you like to look at. 

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

Garance Dore

Outfit details:

  • Vintage Jacket - Thrifted
  • Dress - ebay
  • Shorts - ebay
  • Sneakers - Spirit
  • Hoodie - Daichu in Harajuku, Japan
  • Bag - Varusteleka.fi
  • Bag accessories - secondhand

DIY Punk Bag & Teru Teru Bozu

Recreate the look with Lara's punk bag and teru teru bozu tutorials:

How would you describe your style?

I don't take fashion seriously at all - I wear what I want. I don't dress age-appropriate and won't do ;). I wear a lot of vintage and thrifted items.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

Only one? Okay, a Godzilla print tee.

Who are your style icons?

I don't imitate anyone, but I like how David Bowie dressed when he was young, I also like Freddie Mercury's style. And Vivienne Westwood's personal looks. Also ordinary people on the street and style bloggers are great for style spotting.

Do you have any favourite designers?

I'm not so much into designer stuff (I like to go for random and secondhand items), but I do appreciate strange and fun art, especially as prints and as accessories. For example Shiroi Neko team, Simone Legno of Tokidoki, and Junko Mizuno are awesome.

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

Secondhand and charity shops! Ebay is good too. Harajuku in Japan is awesomeness for granted.

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I customize a lot, I would make too but at the moment I don't have space for the sewing machine!

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

Forget about style rules, pick random pieces from your wardrobe and mix them together - you might end up liking the result. Play dress up like you might have done as a kid, with an open mind and have fun!

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

There are lots of them, but Hel Looks (street style from Helsinki) and Harajuku Street style offer loads of creative looks.

Outfit details:

  • Hair - (DIY see below)
  • Shirt - SheInside
  • Skirt - Boohoo
  • Tights - Veritas
  • Scarf - Topshop
  • Bag - Veritas
  • Shoes - Avance

DIY Brightly Coloured Hair

Recreate the look with Kerri's guide for Achieving And Maintaining Brightly Coloured Hair:

How would you describe your style?

If we’re talking my everyday work-wear then I’d say ‘picked up off the bedroom floor style’. But outside of work my style is a little bit of quirky, a little bit of girly and a little bit of I’m too in love with cute little animal print. 

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

My space print skirt from ModDolly 

Who are your style icons?

I’m not I have any style icons as such. I have a few favourite bloggers whose style I adore but no real icons. 

Do you have any favourite designers?

No huge name designers but I do like Orla Kiely, Sugarhill Boutique, ModDolly, Miss Patina and Nishe. 

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

I will always have a soft spot for Topshop as it’s where I first started shopping. Recently I’ve moved online and I do love ASOS as there is so much choice, as with Boohoo too. There’s a few shops in my town too that are little independent places that sell lovely items from Sugarhill Boutique, Louche and Miss Patina. 

Do you make or customise your outfits?

Not so much. I would love to make my own skirt this year (it’s on my to-do list) and I have the perfect duck print material for it. 

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

Do whatever you want and as long as it’s what you want then it’s always personalized. 

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

I love to read The Clothes Horse, Scathingly Brilliant, the Littlest Polly and Briar Rose. Although they may sneak in some lifestyle blogginess too. I don’t tend to read exclusively fashion blogs. 


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