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DIY Fashionista

Outfit details:

  • Dress - Thrifted, DIY'd
  • Jacket - BB Dakota
  • Belt - Thrifted
  • Shoes - PacSun
  • Hat - Hand made by my sister
  • Tights - Urban Outfitters

Hem Vintage Finds:

Recreate the look with Jessica's How To Easily Hem Vintage Finds tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

My style is whimsical and colorful while also being edgy and girly.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

My favorite piece is probably my spiked + floral headband. I wear it with just about every outfit I can. It's so comfortable and adds the perfect amount of flair to every outfit. 

Who are your style icons?

I have a hard time admiring celebrities and people that are possibly professionally styled. Though I am incredibly inspired by my real life friends and all of the incredible fashion bloggers that I know. I think I am most inspired by Keiko Lynn and Southern (California) Belle. 

Do you have any favourite designers?

I am not much of a designer person, but I am always inspired by Kate Spade, Marc Jacobs, and Rachel Antonoff. 

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

I like to shop anywhere that has a sale rack. 

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I am a very petite girl (under 5'0) so I usually have to hem my dresses and skirts. I like buying long thrifted skirts and making them minis -- I always have something unique. There is immense power in the art of chopping and hemming pieces!

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

Accessorize! Accessories take an outfit from blah to wow in a matter of seconds. If your dress is shapeless, grab a sparkly belt. If you hair looks boring, grab a big bowed headband or a hat. As far as mixing it up, the easiest way is to maximize your wardrobe. Have a favorite dress? Wear it as a skirt, with different blazers, swap out the shoes, do your hair differently. Find an accessory and make it your signature thing. For me, the spiked headband and hats are my go to items and they always help mix up an outfit and also make it very me.

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

I  love Ashley of http://southerncabelle.com, Elana of http://room-334.blogspot.com, Samantha of http://thebangedblonde.blogspot.com/., Jen of http://www.jennifhsieh.com/. Honestly, I could list favorite bloggers all day! 

Check out Jessica's blog at Midwest Muse »

Outfit details:
  • Collar - DIY (see below)
  • Purple jacket - I made this to wear at my sister's wedding, inspired by classic Chanel boucle jackets.
  • Green top - this is from Topshop! I allowed myself to buy it as it's something I wouldn't be able to make.
  • Jeans - from a charity shop. I flicked white fabric paint all over them using a toothbrush as I wanted them to look like they were covered in stars. It didn't really work but I like them anyway
  • Shoes - Underground

DIY Stand Alone Collar

Recreate the look with Rosie's How To Make A Stand Alone Collar tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

A bit of a mess.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

Probably a crazy cyan and gold chain patterned shirt I made with fabric from Walthamstow market earlier this year.

Who are your style icons?

Clementine from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Tank Girl, Elvis 

Do you have any favourite designers?

Marc Jacobs, Jonathan Saunders, Mary Kantrantzou, Luella Bartley, Jean Charles De Castelbajac,


Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

As much as possible I try not to buy new clothes. If I am able to make a piece of clothing, I won’t let myself buy it. That means the only clothes I buy are knitted pieces – jumpers and cardigans. Topshop is a very tempting underworld of cool clothing so I allow myself a knit from there every now and then. Most of my jumpers come from Beyond Retro or charity shops.

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I tend to make things from scratch as I am a fabric fiend and love the potential that every piece of fabric promises. I like to imagine things that don’t exist then bring them into being!

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

Never underestimate the value of a colourful pair of socks!

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

I like to see the DIY projects that Geneva from ‘A Pair and a Spare’ comes up with. She is very inventive. I do love a bit of Susie Bubble – she is not afraid to go crazy with colour. 'Charity Shop Chic' as I am in awe of her ability to turn ugly things into beautiful, functional clothing! Recently I have enjoyed looking at the experimental outfits of Annika from The Pineneedle Collective.

Check out Rosie's blog at DIY Couture »

Outfit details:

  • Hair - DIY (see below)
  • Blouse - vintage nightgown worn as a blouse from Salvation Army
  • Skirt - Salvation Army
  • Fascinator - small vintage/antique shop in Ithaca, NY
  • Shoes - Seychelles "Make A Scene"
  • Rings - from my mother

DIY Rag Rolling:

Recreate the look with Alex's Rag Rolling Hair tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

My style is pretty well a mix of 60’s and 70’s patterns/prints and silhouettes, a little Victorian extravagance and plenty of school girl vibes. If it's a pinafore, I'll love it. If it's a patterned pinafore, I'll love it even more. If it's a patterned pinafore paired with a lovely 1900's style (or even the real thing) blouse, well, I've found my life-mate.

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

I have this camisole negligee from the 1920’s which I’m totally in love with. It's made of a lovely mint silk, with beautiful cream lace details. It honestly doesn’t get a lot of wear because it's so delicate, and kind of has no place outside the bedroom, but it lives on my wall, and I stare at it a lot

Who are your style icons?

To be honest, there used to be a time when I could rhyme off dozens of people. But these days I find myself hugely inspired by other bloggers. I find real people, with their own real voice truly inspiring. But, if I had to pick one (or two) icon(s), it would be Jean Shrimpton, Sylvie Vartan, and every Pre-Raphaelite babe ever painted.

Do you have any favourite designers?

Samantha Pleet, no doubt. I feel like herself, her vision and her designs embody everything I love about fashion. She keeps fashion important and artistic, while having the most amazing aesthetic that I feel an affinity to.

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

Hmm, this is always a hard one for me - I do not shop new very often. But if I do, I like to keep it local and support independent shops/brands in (and close to) my neighbourhood in Toronto. The Future of Frances Watson, Philistine, Robber, to name a few. Oh! And the internet, obviously. The Loved One sells quite a fair bit by some of my favourite designers. If I'm looking for something specific, I can usually find it on ASOS. And if I'm going off about internet shopping, then I can't leave out Modcloth.

Do you make or customise your outfits?

I used to live for customizing my outfits, but that has faded a bit with time. My mother is a wonderful seamstress, and taught me a few tricks of the trade, but she lives a ways away from me, so it's hard to keep up with lessons, and I get lazy. I've made a skirt or two in my day though. As a teenager I used to adorn myself with all things "goth", which was a highly DIY fashion aesthetic. However, those days are gone. 

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

I don't really feel that I'm qualified to give tips on how to dress yourself. In my opinion, it's just figuring out what you like and incorporating that into your styling. For myself, I love patterns/prints, so I try to mix up my outfits by combining a bunch of different ones. Hats are always a nice touch to an outfit, and large bows, man, I love wearing a large bow tie with a button up shirt. But these are all personal to me - to each their own. I think the most important thing is to stay true to yourself, and not be afraid of what others think. I think those are the things that make someone stand-out -- Just being wholly yourself.

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

Hannah and Landon

Boots & Pine

Fancy Fine

It Girl, Rag Doll

Olive, My Love...there are alot, I have a fairly large list on my blog.

Check out Alex's blog at Larkspur »

Outfit details:

  • Hat - mrp.com
  • Hair Clip - DIY (see below)
  • Bag - Cath Kidston
  • Ted Baker shoes - TK Maxx
  • Dress - H&M
  • Cardigan - dotti

DIY Galaxy Sweatshirt

Recreate the look with Erica's glitter hair clip tutorial:

How would you describe your style?

very quirky and feminine. i love a good print, and pop of colour, and refuse to leave the house without either in my outfit! i always dress for tea, and don't own trousers that aren't part of a pj set. i am firmly a tights-only girl - even in the dead of summer! a friend once told me i was like "tea cups and bruises", because even though i dress like a girl, i have the mouth of a sailor...

What's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?

that would be like picking your favourite child! i expand my wardrobe on a weekly basis, so to pick a favourite would be hard. i did recently have a dress named after me by online boutique Bonne Chance Collection (see it here!), and they so kindly sent me one of my very own. so, if i had to choose, i'd have to pick her. after all, she shares my name - how much more self involved could i get?

Who are your style icons?

zooey deschanel is my number one icon for quirky cool. i want her life. she's got such a great mid-century vibe that i just love. i am also dead keen on shopping in rachel berry's wardrobe. yes, she's a character, but my god - doesn't she have some amazing pieces? like that magenta ted baker mac she larks around NYC in? girrrrrrl, gimme.

Where are your favourite places to shop for new clothes clothes?

online; it's where all the bargains are. trawling the sales racks amid hundreds of other bargain hunters is no longer my favourite past time. now, it is typing the word "sale" into google and hitting "i'm feeling lucky!". i also love hitting the local charity shops on the weekend, and picking up pieces that i can alter to fit - or if i'm really lucky, fit me like they were meant for me!

Do you make or customise your outfits?

occasionally! i took a beginners sewing class this year so that i can really get stuck into altering more vintage and second hand pieces, but for the time being i mostly alter by hand. adding or changing buttons and collars, shortening hems and fixing sleeves are all done with a needle and thread until i work up the courage to try a real pattern!

Do you have any great tips for mixing up and personalising an outfit?   

wear what you love. seriously! i wear what i want to wear, not what's cool, or what's trendy. your confidence is the best outfit you can wear. so cliche! but honestly, i always get compliments when i wear a smile! and when i wear glitter. 

here's a tip: always wear glitter.

Which other fashion blogs do you love to read?

my absolute favourite is Scathingly Brilliant - Kate has amazing style, and since i started reading her blog, i've definitely increased my own style game. i take a lot of inspiration from her, and she's introduced me to a number of new shops that are now firm favourites - like Bonne Chance! i also love reading Briar Rose Blog and Mermaidens, as both Megan and Kailey have incredibly feminine style; total idols.

Check out Erica's blog at being erica »


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