I'm fifteen and I'm a crafty person so this website is the shizzle to my nizzle C; I've already used so many of these projects and love to see all the creative things people come up with, and all of the different talents people have out there...It's very inspring!!=) peace, Haley <3
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- commented on her comment Same here. Me and a friend danced to that on Just Dance 2! to Ra Ra Rasputin 11 Jan 22:41
how are you?
hope fine!!!
thank you for being so sweet to fave my cookie friend project.
all my friends has him still hanging.LOL My mum was dissapointed because of the english text-S Later she saw that i had written an dutch last one as well.
I'm speaking tooooooo much english, sometimes i can't remeber the dutch words.LOL My friends must laught of it. humm i'm not.LOL
I think i'm toooooooo much on internet at the moment.LOL
But my english is imporvent, yeaaaaah
still make a lot of mistakes-S but i see that the real english speaking people make them as well.LOL
and i'm not at school anymore
Hey have fun witht the making of and an awesome fun fine good weekend;-D xxxxxxx
much fun with the making of and have an awesoem fine weekend as well;-d
CO + K User
love and like it, and Yeaaaah were now friends;-D
i'm very tired out i can't sleep tonight so much so i must stop and go asleep somewhile n the couch next to the bench near my ill cat;-D
hey much love and hugs with kisses;-D
soooo sweet of you, i had read that it's in your country a habbit to bring a gift to school the first day, we don't do that.
Only on the primary school at the last day there. and when the teacher had to leave-S
to say goodbye to her.
lAnd i had read too that mostly it's an apple soooo i love this tiny awesome made cut one of yours;-D
And i always trying to write an comment, but i don't have always the time for it. i know how m uch effords it cost to share a project to the others and how excithing it tis. And specialy when you made an how too. so we must tell all the nice things when we like it to support each other,. I like to share and help other crafters on this site it give us all so much fun and new idea's don't you think?
i like it on here too much.LOL
i'm addicted on here.LOL
so be warned.LOL
hey have a nice day or sleep well, i don't understand the differens in time still, but i don't do a lot of effords for it.LOL
so you can choose.LOl
hey hope that your teacher loved it and that you will have an awesome class and and awesome school year.;-D
wish you much crafting fun with the making of and a lot of profite when you are done;-D
and hope that you will add your version to show him to me;-D
hey have an awesome nice day;-D
Welcome aboard! *hugs*