Hi there I'm Quinn I do artsy stuff from time to time when I'm not playing games or generally moping about. I'm 26 and use any pronouns but if you use they/them you have a special place in my heart. I haven't used this since....idk but I'm gonna try and get back into it. So here goes nothing.
CO + K User
CO + K User
Thanks for faving my Anthropologie Inspired Bag!
I hope your day is full of that which is awesome. ^_^
CO + K User
CO + K User
this is the text there is a pict of it, but i t hink it doens't add any more but you can jump to it to see how it looks.;-D
Learn to Knit: Knitting I-Cord
An i-cord is a simple knitted tube.

With DPN
Cast on 3. Slide stitches to opposite side of needle. The yarn should be coming out of the left stitch. Pull the yarn from behind. *K3. Slide stitches across needle. Repeat from * until desired length. To bind off, thread yarn through large-eyed blunt needle and pull it through all three stitches 2 or 3 times.
i have found out that its works too with 6 or 5 stiches on your needle. i will go much faster then with a knitting loom okay i 've you have the one of clover that will go faster.lOL
but i'm against all those plastic weak tools,
so i always try to make it more green and dureable.LOL
and on here there are some great tute to make a loom of your self without any payment;-D only from craps. awesome!!!
Okay i'm really sick today so this will be it, i've you have still question , please ask them.!;-D
have a great fun weekend and much better soons;-D xxx
i will send it to you, and hope you can work it out with your teacher, when you do this in time i have always had much help of them to work out an sort of solution. so i hope you will got it too.
i cross my fingers.LOL
till later, and well soons and don't be tooo stressed out;-D
hope you have a nice fun weekend still;-D
hey have fun with all your knitting works/LOL
By the way thank you very much for the fave of my chain Necklace.
you can make it more easyer to knit when you knit itubes pieces , you only have to sew the ends, i have tryed this out too later thanks to the version of Karin.
When you don't know the how to of itubes asked me i will give you a link to knit them;-D
Much fun witht the making of and please add this as a version.
He almost weekend hope you have a nice fun weekend;-Dxxx
And hope you have helped but the other info , studying on the art academy is too hard, but its fun too. Hope you will later on make a lot of new experiments too.
i have put a new project this day, but it isn't aproved though.
its about paper mache paste of flour, its awesome to experiment with this. Only fracile when you only use in the mix water , so i thought you must put less water and more wood glue just like the recipe i had written down, it looks like ceramic and its smooth, but you can sand it easily and its a bit heavy but ... with tiny object or large what you don't have to move often , it isn't a problem.
Hope you do have fun with that.
Hey have a great fun weekend.;-D xx
do you know that i've you give an answer on your own profile page , the person that written the comment don't know that?
I thought mayby you give a answer so i must keep your link in my email box , so i can look i've you had written any answer;-D
I have done this manty times too when i was still learning as a new member how all the things are working here.LOL
Its only an advice;-D
Yes that soooooo not good for your fingers and so on , and of course the birds.;-D You can use too thin layers of plastic, and then sewing them together or ... I have try out many things out , but i try to do all the time diferend things for experiments so it becoming not a trick of mine. I see that by most people that they don't do something brand new, so sad!
I hope you have help with mine tute. and thanks that you love it, i'm not an english person.LOL So its still hard to find the good english words to explain things. ;-D
By the way you've beautiful eyes! Love your colour!
and again have a great fun day;-D xxx
i was forgotten that i always uses then bright strong colours.LOL not heavely at all. so that was the main problem.
Hope to see work of you here. much succes with your study, i have done art academy too;-D
hey have a gret fun day;-D