What are your hobbies?
When I’m not crafting, all of my time is taken up by my very active 6 year old daughter. The best kind of crafts are the ones that I can involve her in.
What are your favorite crafts and what's your craft space like?
Oh I love all crafts and my favourite is usually whatever I’m working on at the time. I love trying new crafts and at the moment I’m experimenting with hand painting wool tops for spinning into self-striping yarns. I always seem to keep coming back to knitting, spinning, cold porcelain and shrink plastic though.
What do you craft along to?
Queen music makes me very happy and if you add in a bit of crafting, then that’s a perfect day for me. Otherwise I love crafting along to my favourite comedy films that I’ve seen hundreds of times, so I don’t have to concentrate too much.
What was the first project you ever made?
It was probably a knitted wedding dress for one of my Sindy dolls.
What are your favorite items to make?
I always love it when I manage to make something special for very little cost – like a pretty cold porcelain rose bead, or recycled shrink plastic jewellery.
Which other craft blogs do you love to read?
Some other craft blogs that I read are Paper Panda, Minieco, Attic24, Craft and Creativity, Hands Occupied and My Poppet - however I must confess to being more than slightly addicted to both Craftgawker and Pinterest and they are the two sites that I really need my daily fix of.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
One of my favourite quotes is by Maya Angelou. She said, "You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have."
When I haven’t got time to create, I’m making lists of the projects that I’d like to make, or scouring Pinterest for new crafts to try. I know that it feeds my creativity when I haven’t got time to create.
I’d also like to thank Cat for being so patient with me as I know I took FOREVER to get this done. Sorry