Stud a jacket
I went shopping this past weekend (what's new, I know) lol but while shopping at ZARA I saw a cropped denim jacket that has studded shoulders and I fell in love except that the jacket was $100 and I knew I had a denim jacket at home I could use to knock off the look so that is what I did and I documented the process so you can make one too!! I love that if and when I tire of the studs I can easily remove the felt appliqué we are creating.
- Template.pdf 122 KB [ Download ]
Key West Witch favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 07 Aug 23:25
CHRISTINE M. favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 24 Aug 15:43
Chudames commented on Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 10 Jun 02:19
Chudames favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 10 Jun 02:19
Brielle J. favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 07 Aug 19:44
Jenna C. added Zara Inspired Studded Jacket to Clothes/Acessories 30 Jun 23:58
Lex S. favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 31 May 00:48
x_niccadee added Zara Inspired Studded Jacket to make this 16 Apr 17:41
Jolanda added Zara Inspired Studded Jacket to voor later 01 Mar 20:53
Susana R. favorited Zara Inspired Studded Jacket 19 Feb 16:34
Step 1
Tools Needed: Jacket ($28 at Old Navy), Pins, Rotary Cutter or Scissors, Felt Piece, Studs
(you can get the felt at ANY craft store by the piece and is usually between .60 or .99 cents, the studs you may need to order online and resources for those are below)Using this Shoulder Template cut out a test of felt and place it on the shoulder of the jacket to make sure it is big enough for your size jacket. Adjust as needed and then CUT 2 shoulder shapes out f felt.
Step 3
Using which ever studs you have chosen start placing them on the felt by starting at the center and working outwards, make sure to place them on top at first to make sure you can arrange them correctly before permanently attaching them. I used THESE studs but they have so many to choose from. You can use flat back's that are glued or sewn on or the prong type that I used.
Resources: KitKraft / BeadKraft / Studs + Spikes / MJTrim
Tip: The glue on studs will be faster but I used the prongs and my tweezers to bend them and it took about 10 minutes to attach the studs per piece.