Final fantasy 7 bangle
This was made months ago. I pretty much just painted Vincent Valentine's (from final fantasy 7) face with acrylic paints on a bangle than covered it with two coatings of varnish.
- Conner W. favorited Vincent Valentine Bracelet 13 Sep 19:54
- Kinhime Dragon favorited Vincent Valentine Bracelet 16 Aug 20:04
- vermilia c. favorited Vincent Valentine Bracelet 21 Apr 14:24
- GiftedDiva24 favorited Vincent Valentine Bracelet 28 Mar 14:13
- Crimson Rose replied to a comment on her project Vincent Valentine Bracelet 17 Nov 18:27
- PunkinsBabie commented on Vincent Valentine Bracelet 17 Nov 11:26
- PunkinsBabie favorited Vincent Valentine Bracelet 17 Nov 11:24
You Will Need
Crimsaros posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Tampa, Florida, US
38 projects
How long does it take for you to paint a bangle? My husband and I were all wow'd by your ability to put so much detail in such a small area!!!
Montreal, Quebec, CA
84 projects
Honestly, I have no idea. I'd say it takes me up to 8 hours max depending on what im painting but yeah im not sure xD.