cool comic cuffs
I realized the plastic tubes that my Crystal Light drink mix is packaged in is the perfect size for bracelets.
After cutting out the shapes I needed, I rounded the edges and evened things out using scissors. None of my measurements were exact- just eye-balled it. I made more, will publish them once they are finished being varnished. :D
- daisiescan favorited Comic Bracelets 22 Feb 06:55
- Sam J. added Comic Bracelets to Really Want To Do 23 Nov 22:28
- Sam J. added Comic Bracelets to Cool Bracelets 23 Nov 22:26
- Forever young love l. favorited Comic Bracelets 17 Jul 01:08
You Will Need
Step 1
pardon no pics of process, will add later.
get plastic crystal light tube container.
remove the outside paper.
decide how wide your cuffs will be and cut one side, cut out bottem of tube. -
Step 2
cut 3-4 bracelet shapes out, then trim the edges.
spread out the comic images you will use, decide if you have enough to wrap around edges. if not, you can cut extra shapes to glue on.
using a paint brush and fingers, spread mod podge on your bracelet and on the back of your comic image.
then glue on, tuck edges around.
after this dries, shape your bracelet further and smooth out rough edges. re- mod podge. dry for as long as you have patience for, at least a few hours, then spray them with plenty of clear shiny varnish. try to not touch them for at least overnight. now you have cool wrist cuffs-people will notice!
i'm definitely trying that with my old comics someday. thanks for sharing!