Too small shirt = Too cool purse!
This $3 Thrift store shirt was just too small, but I loved the bright, vivid pattern. So after a short pout, I decided to try and create a purse. This was just a wild idea and trial run.
I love it! Very comfy, slouchy, and colorful. I do think this particular style was perfect as it's stretchy and it hides mistakes and the seams under the arms of the shirt.
I know there are people who can do better, I would love to see your versions so that I can get new ideas!
jaisa.riley added Shirt To Purse! to Make 07 Jan 19:50
jaisa.riley favorited Shirt To Purse! 07 Jan 19:49
bkind2me08501 favorited Shirt To Purse! 11 Feb 16:42
pagingmisterherman favorited Shirt To Purse! 05 Oct 04:38
meges2381 favorited Shirt To Purse! 02 Sep 17:04
jessica.boulanger.10 favorited Shirt To Purse! 29 Jul 05:53
CreativeGirl79 favorited Shirt To Purse! 25 Jul 04:47
M$. UndeadR@!nb0w favorited Shirt To Purse! 22 Jul 23:27
Wendy G. favorited Shirt To Purse! 10 Jun 07:33
Ravens Trove entered their project Shirt To Purse! to Hats On Heads 06 Jun 04:15
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Kennesaw, Georgia, US
23 projects
too cute