A fun food plate for kids.
This was based on Kallen at At Second Street entry for "Food on The Go" for the So You Think You Are Crafty competition http://atsecondstreet.blogspot.com/2010/03/food-face-how-to.htm. I loved the idea and decided to make one for my "Project Grandma Box" for future grandchildren. My son is only 16 and although I hope he isn't a father until he has at least graduated college, I have started the Grandma box as a "just in case" something would happen to me before he has children so they will know Grandma loves them even if we never get to meet in person.
Step 1
For this project a blue ceramic plate that I got from a thrift store for 35 cents and I used Prange Metallic markers in silver and gold as I had already purchased them for another project (used 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby and got them for around $2.75), but there are other brands, such as Porcelaine 150 and they are available at most hobby stores or online.
Find a photo with clear facial features and use a photo editing program to change it to black and white and then blow it up to the size you want. If you don't have a photo editing program, there are several free ones, such as Fotoflexer or Picnik where you just upload your picture, edit then save it. I used Irfanview for this project, which is a free progam to download. I made mine so was the size of my hand, which I think came out a little too big - you may want to go smaller.