Cut Out + Keep

Personalized Face Plate

A fun food plate for kids. • Posted by KMOM14

This was based on Kallen at At Second Street entry for "Food on The Go" for the So You Think You Are Crafty competition I loved the idea and decided to make one for my "Project Grandma Box" for future grandchildren. My son is only 16 and although I hope he isn't a father until he has at least graduated college, I have started the Grandma box as a "just in case" something would happen to me before he has children so they will know Grandma loves them even if we never get to meet in person.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium kathy 2bplate 2bdone


This was based on Kallen at At Second Street entry for "Food on The Go" for the So You Think You Are Crafty competition I loved the idea and decided to make one for my "Project Grandma Box" for future grandchildren. My son is only 16 and although I hope he isn't a father until he has at least graduated college, I have started the Grandma box as a "just in case" something would happen to me before he has children so they will know Grandma loves them even if we never get to meet in person.


  1. Small kp 2bhand 2bto 2bscreen 2bfor 2bsize

    For this project a blue ceramic plate that I got from a thrift store for 35 cents and I used Prange Metallic markers in silver and gold as I had already purchased them for another project (used 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby and got them for around $2.75), but there are other brands, such as Porcelaine 150 and they are available at most hobby stores or online. Find a photo with clear facial features and use a photo editing program to change it to black and white and then blow it up to the size you want. If you don't have a photo editing program, there are several free ones, such as Fotoflexer or Picnik where you just upload your picture, edit then save it. I used Irfanview for this project, which is a free progam to download. I made mine so was the size of my hand, which I think came out a little too big - you may want to go smaller.

  2. Small kp 2bprinted 2boff 2band 2bpen 2bdrawn 2bover 2bfeatures

    Draw around the face, eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth with a pen.

  3. Small kp 2bface 2bcut 2bout 2bwith 2bparts 2bstill 2bon 2bface

    Cut out the head shape. Guess I now know what I would look like if I pulled a Brittney Spears and shaved my head. Draw around the face shape with a pencil on the plate, remove the cutout then go over it with the ceramic pen and freeahand the edge of the ears.

  4. Small kp 2bcut 2bout 2bparts 2bface 2bdrawn 2bon 2bplate

    Next, cut out the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth. Sort of looks like a Picasso now.

  5. Small kp 2bcutout 2bparts 2bpencil 2bdrawn 2bon 2bplate

    Put the cutout back on the plate and go over the cutout areas of the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth with a pencil. Remove the cutout and draw over the penciled in lines with a ceramic pen.

  6. Small kp 2ball 2bdrawn 2bexpect 2beyes 2band 2binside 2blips

    For the eyes, I put the cutout pieces on the plate next to the eye as a guideline and freehanded each one onto the plate.

  7. Small kathy 2bplate 2bdone

    Color in eyebrows, eyes, and add hair if desired. For the name I just wrote in freehand with the pen.

  8. Small face 2bplate 2bstarburst

    I washed it off and then it was ready for play. I had to do it quickly as my son spotted Starburst and called dibs on half of them.