A Wise Old Owl sat on my cup
I hadn't made a coffee cup cozie in awhile and I really wanted to do some embroidery and I'm really loving this whole owl crafting movement I've been noticing going on, so it all rolled up into one project for me tonight!
Amy B. entered their project Owl Cup Cozie to Subversive Cross Stitch 15 Sep 20:11
Bat Ma'am favorited Owl Cup Cozie 26 Jul 15:37
Amy B. entered their project Owl Cup Cozie to Sublime Stitching Contest 14 May 14:52
You Will Need
Amy B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

love your owl embroidery!!

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
So cute, exactly what I was looking for!