a different kind of coffee cozy
I saw this online and to figure out how to make my own. Perfect if you love the environment and the crochet cozies but don't know how to crochet.
Melissa Beth added Mug Corset to New Look 13 Sep 23:24
Melissa Beth favorited Mug Corset 06 Jan 09:04
Tierra T. favorited Mug Corset 16 Nov 21:34
Lishieesaur favorited Mug Corset 03 Oct 22:25
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amanda.shillito added Mug Corset to To make 17 Dec 01:46
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nina.eriksen.90834 added Mug Corset to To-make 05 Dec 21:05
Richter B. favorited Mug Corset 30 Nov 14:56
zoegirl221 favorited Mug Corset 18 Sep 02:26
Step 1
If you are using a curved cup (like from Starbucks) then you need a curved cozy. Use the brown paper cozy from a Starbucks cup for the pattern (shortened it a bit though so you have room for the laces). If you use a straight mug, then you need a straight cozy. Just measure around the straight mug and make it as tall as your hand. Tape your pattern around your mug to be sure it fits smoothly but is a bit short to go all the way around.
Step 2
Using your patten, cut two pieces from your fabric and one from your batting.
Step 3
Pin the two fabrics together right sides together with the batting on the outside (against one of the wrong sides of the fabric pieces). Sew around three edges (leave a short end open) with a 1/4" seam.
Step 4
Trim excess bulk and the corners. Turn right side out; press. Pin the raw ends under and sew shut as well as quilt randomly all over.
Step 5
Space the eyelets evenly apart on each end about 1/2" inside the fabric's edge. Four on each end. Do one end then flip the end to match the other and mark where the first set of eyelets are (to ensure placement accuracy). Thread with ribbon like a shoelace. Walla! You should probably also treat the ends of the ribbon with something like fraycheck to stop it from fraying.